I stumbled upon this amazing little gem by way of pia jane bijkerk, an amazing little gem in itself. Collecting vintage clothing has been a passion of mine since...I can't remember when. Since I was 8 years old and shopping at Value Village for doll clothes? It definitely all began with the inheritance of an AMAZING vintage wardrobe from my mom's wonderful friend, Maggie. Sweet Maggie passed away last week and I've spent a lot of time remembering her since. I wish I had the pictures of my sister and I playing dress up in our front yard in all of Maggie's 1940s hats, crinolines and 60s boots. From there the love just spun out of control- weekly trips to Salvation Army, Red Light Lounge, some dumpster behind one of the thrift stores on the Ave (gross, I know, but I was only working with babysitting money). I still feel more at home in a moth-ball scented Seattle thrift store than in any SoHo boutique, thanks to Maggie who taught me the importance of uniqueness and self-expression through beautiful clothes. I miss her.