
books can be deceiving, jan.10

i love old books- the smell, the cover art, the contents, the way they look on my wall. but whoa olympia le tan, you just took old books to a whole new level. this line of soft, gold-edged clutches embroidered with classic book cover art is tres magnifique and truly the thinking woman's accessory of the moment.



Lou la la, Jan.10

this is so lovely!

happy thursday, folks.


warm wishes II, jan.10

i love winter, but evvvery once in a while it seems that summer can't come soon enough. this would be one of those moments, and these retro beauties make me want to plunge into the riviera.

instead i guess i'll make some butternut squash ravioli.

thanks for the tease, anthro.


perfect pants, jan.10

dyyying over this sweet illustration of a couple looks from the Chloé Autumn/Winter 2009 collection!!



Best Of Lucky, feb. '10

So I was thinking about posts and what I'm obsessed with these days. Instead of racking my brain into writers block (which is why you haven't heard from me in a while), I thought "Let's keep it simple." Every month for at least 10 years (or how ever long it has been on the magazine racks) I've gone through Lucky Magazine issues and flagged everything I like and/or want to purchase. So why not list them here instead of lugging around old magazine clippings? That way, you readers can spare yourself the $3.50 and the guilt of killing trees and I'll do all the heavy lifting. Makes perfect sense to me, really! So, without further ado...my picks from the February 2010 issue:

My introduction to Danish rocker Mette Lindberg. Isn't she gorgeous?

Coco was awfully on trend by posting about plaid wool weekenders. Grab this one by Filson for 25% off by entering "lucky1" at checkout.

These are tough, I'll admit, but bless your Tomboy ass if you can pull it off. Olive green desert boots are on point for my obsession with Arizona attire. Get these by J Shoes here.

Perfect "toast" nail color to add to my collection by RGB

All natural Korres Lip Butter in Quince. Hurry and get it for less than $6 by entering "lucky4" at checkout.

Good ol' cuticle and dry skin shizz. I'm a sucker for this crap.

Stud Muffin, jan. '10

It's pretty simple really...take flowers, bright colors, and earrings that don't get tangled in my wavy hair and you got my ears current wardrobe. Hence the floral stud earring round up, just in time for pre-Spring attire and V-day planning.

**earrings found on the following Etsy Stores: Paper Mache, Nomsa, lizhutnick, edor, and chrysdesignsjewelry**


weekender, jan.10

me and my beau are getting away and i can.not.wait.

the planning of this long weekend started with us entertaining the idea of 4 days in Dublin(too short). then perhaps upstate NY(too hard without a car). finally a decision has been made and B&B booked- the multi-city, multi-state tour begins tomorrow afternoon. with visits to Denville, NJ for a family (and kitty) visit, Vernon, NJ for saturday snow tubin, din and drinks in Philly, PA, and a B&B in New Hope, PA, i'm sitting here trying to figure out what to pack and how I can squeeze it into a perfect weekender (see below). in need of some help, i've pulled these images for inspiration...i'm thinking winter whites, duck boots, chunky knits and a mini dress for good measure. wish i had a snood right about now.

(bloom grow love)





(sammy hassy...oops i just bought it)

(nast mag)


Le Look de la saison, jan.10

Sessun's Spring/Summer 2010 collection isn't necessarily new or fresh, but totally perfect anyway. I'm also kind of excited about that deep mustardy color down there.


tassels, no hassles, jan.10

i LOVE these little tassel earrings from a little hamster. it should come as no surprise to you that they remind me of the practically perfect turquoise sleep tassels worn by one miss golightly.

speaking of my favorite movie ever....remember the eye mask i've been drooling over? well i just found a cute-as-a-button knit version on etsy. decisions, decisions.


shabd is her name, jan.10

I am OB.SESSED with the Shabd Spring 10 collection. each piece is cut perfectly to show a little shape but leave a little to the imagination. and just browsing the light, cool, subdued palette whisks me away to a warm place.


warm wishes, jan.10

this cool-as-a-cucumber ensemble is what i'd like to wear around town this weekend.
but given the high temp of 28, what I'll actually be wearing will probs resemble some incarnation of the michelin man.

ps: happy 2010 boos!!!
pps: did you just develop a HUGE crush on Gala Gonzalez (above)? me too.

want to contact us? email us at cocoandleroy@gmail.com

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